Group Ascii Art

From: (Shadow Childe)

       <_ \ _
        \\/  ),                                  .--..--.
         \/-'  ng                               // '--' \\
            boi               (sniff fluff)       !M\/M!
        =======                                   'UooU'

            (puff squish)        <_ --.
                                 \,_(_ )

               (snoop snoop)       _- /

             ,/        | \   /\
           | /          \ \ / |\
       ,-.,-/             o o | )
      //`^,-\ )  -----'''--w--'''-----
         /, |                        (\   /)
        (  \|                         \\ //
         \!( \*   some members of      o_o
         ''---'Bunny Mother's Warren  ( w )

 '''\  / 
     `o'         (hop BITE SLASH GOUGE)

         /'/\   (bite gnash bleed)
       // _\,
     / /  /

               !.  -----''\             (booooiiiingy  boooooiiiiingy)
                -'\    _(  !,
         **.ooO*  c_j_L___/
     *      ******
         (wabbit next to bloody human toes, in repose)

    bunny mail was born to bounce

   \     /
    \\ //        (bouncy boppy plop)

       _(jL)_        (snuggle pluff)

         //`^ '           (sniffly nibble)
           (  \
            \!( \)

             /! !\      (sniffilly sniff-sniff)
           // U U \\

    \.       (twitch)

From: (Douglas MacDougall)

                                                _ _
                  _ _           _ _           / / /
                / / /          / / /          @ @ __
    _ _         @ @            @ @          =( . )= \
  / / /_      =( . )=        =( . )=         c  c    D
  @ @   \      |     \        c  c  \         (\__( /  \
=( . )=  D     ( Y (  D      (   (  D          U   U  \
 cc_c_c_/	     cc|cc_/       c___c_/             \ \ \

Bunny all     Bunny          Bunny on       Bunny leaping 5 feet 
curled up     staring        hind legs.     straight up, about to 
in a little   longinly       Maybe he       peirce the jugular, only
ball. Isn't   into your      wants          to bounce off and attack
that cute?    eyes...        something?     another unsuspecting target

 <=/  \=======///////D
 _ ) _(
 \/_/ /_
  X X   \
=( . )=  D 

Bunny with a
fireaxe in his
widdle head.

Artist's Conception: [of urine pumped through waterworks]
               .;  _ _
  /~^~\      ,:;:/ / /
 _|   |_   .;:;:;@ @   
{  WTW  }~`;:;:=( o )= [wiggle, fizzle, dribble]
 ~|   |~   `;:;:c  c  \
  |   |      `:;(   (  D
__|   |_________c___c_/_

[A picture of Doug, General LonGears, and Ragster]

          I want a bigger stool! >:(
             __   \\  //  __ 
Why am *I*  /..\   \\//  /..\   Why won't any of the pretty 
here?!?     \  /   /..\  \ w/   girls let me bite them?
        (       /\ Geeks \       )

From: (Benjamin Franz)

                                                    /|      __  
        LOOK! Bunny Snacks!                        / |   ,-~ /  
                                                  Y :|  //  /
                                                  | jj /( .^
                                                 /       Y
                                                jo  o    |
        _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _                    ( ~T~     j
     .-| | | |_|   |_| | | |_                   >._-' _./
     | | | | |'|   |'| | | | |                 /   "~"  |
     |         /   \         |                Y     _,  |
     |        |     |        |               /| ;-"~ _  l
     |        |     |        |              / l/ ,-"~    \
     |        |     |        |              \//\/      .- \
      \       |     |       /                Y        /    Y
       |      /      \      |                l       I     !
        \____/        \____/                 ]\      _\    /"\
                                              (" ~----( ~  Y. )
(with thanks to Row (

From: (An Anonymous Bunny)

DevilBunny:               /~\   /~\   <-- Pet-able Upper Surface                                   
Sylvilagus Demoniacus     \~\\_//~/   <-- Acute Ears
                           \     /   <-- Highly Developed Brain
"Small mammals of          / o o \   <--  Keen Eyes                       
the order Lagomorpha,     =(  v  )=   <-- Emotive Nose
these characteristically   /     \   `-- Sensitive Whiskers
cute animals make "       {       }   <-- Fluffy-Wuffy Body 
excellent pets"         _( \  Y  / )_   <-- Cute Knees                       
                       /____\_|_/____\   <-- Powerful Stomping Feet

   @========@                                                  @========@
   @@WWWWWW@@                                                  @@WWWWWW@@
    ||||||||        WELCOME! SOCIETY TO SAVE THE EARTH          ||||||||
    ||||||||                 (For the bunnies)                  ||||||||
    ||||||||      /~\   /~\      .-=@@~~=-.      /~\   /~\      ||||||||
    ||||||||      \~\\_//~/     /      /@@V\     \~\\_//~/      ||||||||
    ||||||||       \     /     /\     |@@@@@\     \     /       ||||||||
    ||||||||       / o o \    |@@|  _/@@@@@@@|    / o o \       ||||||||
    ||||||||      =(  v  )=___|@@@\|@\@@@@@/ |___=(  v  )=      ||||||||
    ||||||||       /         _|@@@@\@@@@@@@| |_          \      ||||||||
    |jjjjjj|      {       T~~  \@@,~ ~@@@@@\/  ~~T       }      |jjjjjj|
   (________)   _( \  |    )_   \@\    7@@@/   _(    |  / )_   (________)

   /~\   /~\     ______                                
   \~\\_//~/    | Yay! |
    \     /     /~~~~~~
 |~\/ o o \/~|                       
 \  (  v  )  / 
  \ '     ' / 
   \       /    
 _(    .    )_                          

    /~\   /~\    _______________________
    \~\\_//~/   | Would you like a hug? |
     \     /    /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     / o o \
 ___=(  v  )=___
(_   '     '   _)
  ~~T       T~~
  _(    .    )_

  \ /              |~\/~|
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 /    | |           \ \\`-~    `.
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 .=======. __       `/~~  }/~   /`~
 |oo     |(  ~~-_. _-`~~~' `~~~~--_
-|_______| V~--__/(________________)

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| |   { {     \,_  | |
| |  _(\    _( } \ | |
| |-/___\|_/___/_/-| |
| |            -ab | |
| '----------------' |
  | FluffyTeacher |   

  o o   \
 (~    } `~~~------_
  ~~~\~             \`. 
     {        )      | \
      |   ,  ,_-\    `. \ 
      |  / T~  \ `-_  |  |
      j /\ |    | / \ |\ /
    /~ //~ /  /~ / /~ / `
    `~~ `~~   `~~  `~~

  o o   \
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  ~~\~    \
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        {      ~-.         
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 __;  }     \   }  |   /
 W-__/ ,     |  | /   / 
     \{      j_/ / _-'
____/~~      __-'-~
    ``   ~~~'


       /~-.       ,-
      |/~ }     ,'  } 
      || /    ,'/~ ,'
      \`.`---' /,-~
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    _-(    v    )-_ 
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 | _\   }  |  {   /_ | -ab

 The Lady Devil Bunny
(In a silken black robe 
   with red lining)

           / /   
           | \__  
     \      `-_-'         
      \ |// 
      ( | ) 
    _( *|o )_ 
_/   88888      `--__

The Anonymous Bunny to the Rescue!
            /, )   .__
            ||/  ,',  )
            |||_/ /,-'
            {  (  {
     .-~~-. / o o \    ____
    / .--. \(  v  ) _-~    ~-.
   / '  _--~ _.._  ~--_/~~-.  \
  / /  '    (_ |_)     `    \  `.
 / '  /   \  _)|_)  /   \    '.  \
| /  ( -./\`  _-_  '/\.- )     \  \
| |  |   \_|_\_+_/_|_/   |      |  |
 \ `. `./  )_     _(  \,'        \  \
  `.    `-'| `. ,' |`-'           \  ~-_
FT and AB: The New Adventures of SuperBunny

  /|     |\
 | \     /,|  
 { \`-_-'/ j    Silver 
  \  \ /  /    
   ` @ @  `-_ 
  ><  X  ><  ~-.     /\
   /  v    _-   \    ||
  {       (      |_-' j
 /~ /~~   /~     ___-'
 ''''''~~~'''~~~~      -ab

From: (Minx Kelly)

           (\   /)
            (   )
           /(   )\
          << )=( >>
            ( * )    "Kiss my cotton tail!"
   /)\ _ /(\
  (/  , ,  \)
  / /_)v(_\ \
 <_/       \_>

From: (Lisa O'Donnell)

     |\_/|   Lisa O'Donnell
     /@ @\   Wake Forest University
     /   \
     | o |
      \M/    "I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear
       W      people say things.  More I cannot say." -Douglas Adams

From: (Bill Keyes)

*  Bill Keyes                 /\     *         *
*  c////////=================|__|=>  *    "There is special providence     *
*  NoCoAnDeBHQ Commander &  /    \   *     in the fall of a Bunny."        *
*  Bunny hunter Extreme    <______>  *        -Shakespeare, Hamlet, V.ii.  *

From: (Douglas MacDougall)

Human/Bunny Liason, and wondering how he got that way       _ _
"It's always the nice little bunny rabbit on the side     / / /_
 of the road that gives you the magic that makes you      @ @   \
 go and rescue the princess from the evil witch."       =( . )=  D 
                                --George Lucas           cc_c_c_/

From: (Tammy Sue Heming)

@}---`---,---                                   \                        \ /\
Bring the next generation to Cuteness            ( )
Brought to you by:   _( * )_

From: (An Anonymous Bunny)

  ._. An                                                                                
 /   \/~\~\/~~\/~\~\~\/~/~\/~\/~~\/~T~\/~~\  \\//  /~~\/~T~\/~\~\/~\~\~\/~/  
{  '  |    | ' |    }  {      | ' | |  L  ~} ('') |  :<  |  |    |    }  {  
 \_L_/\_\_/\__/\_\_/|__|\_\/_/\__/\___/\__/ _(  )_ \__/\___/\_\_/\_\_/|__|  

> Bill.                    ,-~~-.
> *  Bill Keyes           /______\     *         *
> *  c////////============|       |=>  *    "There is special providence     *
> *  Fuddie Duddie &      \------/     *     in the fall of a Billy."        *
> *  Sucker Extreme        `-__-'      *        -Shakespeare, Hamlet, V.ii.  *

From: (wilkins john albin)

 __     //
 '\\   //
   ^. .^   __________________________________________________________________
  (  v  )  Eclipse                           Send e-mail to:

From: (Ceredwyn Bensley)

!                 DEVIOUS: "NewZealand waves are not like Australian waves... !
$       {}{}                they're so much better..."                        $
!      (@.@)      E-mail:                     !
$    --0---0--    Disclaimer: Would YOU believe anything I said?              $
!                 A word from the bard: "Uh oh."                              !

The DevilBunnies Web Page /